Saturday, September 11, 2010

back from basel

Got back a couple of days ago from one of the most coolest trips i have ever had. We painted we screen printed, we drank beer, saw a movie about 10 years of the inferno the surpoters from the basel team.

was so cool to be making my own stickers i really need to get a space sorted out so i can also start to make my own screens.

the schanzli jam was a rocking hard all day long on sat there was tons of local writers there puttin it down, the mc,s spittin like a crazy amzioneon rain storm.

we was blessed with good weather the hole time we was there so left us nice dry spots for stickers all day long. big combos all over

big thanks to all the swiss guys who were there, espaclilly bustart and zaira for puttin up with us and making all things possible while we was there

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